Monday, August 20, 2012

Color me crazy

I'm gonna start with, I do not do drugs. The D.A.R.E. program worked for me....and I say that because I was asked recently if I was on them. I have this theory, and you may have to use your imagination on this, so just go with it, but it's something I've told a few people about and I've gotten all parts of the spectrum. A few agree and say, yea I can see that, and I've gotten the - you make no sense - response. I think I've really got something here. Ok here we go.

It's about the perception of color. With the exception of those who may be color blind, we all  know our colors. Red from green, green from blue, our yellows, orange, etc. But what IF we all know the name of the color, versus what color we are actually seeing. What?!?! Confused yet? Ok here is how I explain my sober self.

When you are little we all see a color block. For the sake of the argument lets say that this block is orange (Or so you think). The teacher tells you 'this is orange', so you relate what you are seeing with the name - orange. And so on and so on for all the colors, "this is blue", "this is called red", etc. BUT WHAT IF what you are seeing isn't the same, such as the same color. For example, what if my orange is really your red, or even your green? This is where I lose people. Follow me if you can. What if we see things entirely differently but when we are taught what certain colors are called, we all brand them as the same title. Their color title, in this case. So when I see my green, it is really your orange, but we call it the same thing because its always been that color title. We will NEVER know the difference. Recently my argument was attempted to be crushed saying that Orange Juice will never be green, and it will always remain orange. I get it, I see your argument. However, we will never know that we don't see things differently. Right? I have tried to see the other side of the coin so that my theory could be squashed, but no one has given me enough to disbelieve my theory. The only thing I question is the color of food....but again, we wouldn't know the difference because it has always been called and perceived the same. My other argument was that we all see each other differently. Hence attraction. So why wouldn't it be the same for color? We all have our favorite colors....think about it. Stretch your mind, I promise I'm not crazy. A little weird possibly, but a few have agreed with me, and as far as I know they weren't high either. Read again at 4:20 if that helps. Ta ta.


  1. I've seriously asked the EXACT same question before! There's no way we'll ever know!

  2. this is crazy. I talked about this for like 2 hours at a party in college one night and everyone thought i was insane. I ALWAYS think that. hahaha
