Friday, September 25, 2015

Thank You Gchat

I may be late to the game, but yesterday my world was opened up. I received a Gchat tip that will change my work day as I know it.

I do event management for a living so most of my days involve tedious excel spreadsheets and documents. Flipping back and forth to Gmail is not always a good idea. Plus my position in a community cubicle leads me vulnerable to those who walk by – my screen is for everyone to see. I work hard, we all do, but we also all know the importance of Gchat to a mid-20something. As I approach 30 (my 29th birthday is next week), I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. A younger, fresh out of college, co-worker gave me a tip that allows chats galore, while staying on any screen allowing you to live a little more incognito. It’s like ESPN’s March Madness screen. With a click of a button you join work and play. Join me:

Pull up Chrome

Go to the upper right hand corner of your screen and click the “3 Bars”

Click “Settings”

You will be taken to a new screen, on the left hand side click “Extensions”

Scroll down and find “Get more extensions” – click it

You will be taken to a new screen, in the upper left hand corner type “hangout” into the text box

You will be taken to a new screen, scroll to mid page and find under Extensions, “Hangouts”, click “Add to Chrome”.

It will take a second and then tell you it’s done. Exit that screen.

Now in the upper right hand corner next to your “3 Bars” you will find “ “ in a green thought bubble. Click it.

Your “hangouts”/all your recent chats will pop up in a box. 

Click on one of those people and go to something you’re working (excel doc, work doc, company email, etc.) – all of your chats should now be able to pop up regardless if you are on your current Gmail page or not. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Color Me Happy

There's going to be a flash sale on @hennesseyinthehome on Instagram tonight! Color, color everywhere! $35-$80!

Not on Instagram? Message more pricing info or special requests!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Olive's 15 Minutes

Our dog Olive recently received her 15 minutes of fame and I couldn't be more proud of the "Good Dog of the Week". I just love her so much!

Full article:

Friday, September 4, 2015

Black and White

What started as a fun wedding gift has turned into a great gift in general. My friends Caroline and Pate got married this summer and after a post to Instagram I quickly got orders of special places and homes by many friends and "strangers". I love it! Whether I've drawn a home for an anniversary or a wedding dress of a good friend - each moment captured has been custom made for the individual. I charge on average $30 a drawing and the turnaround time is whatever is requested. From Maryland, to Denver, to Charleston - Hennessey is in the home :) With a recent boat request, followed by that of a farm, I can't wait to continue to try new places and build more of "portfolio" if you can call it that. My most special request recently was Greenville's Liberty Bridge which became the front face of Mayor Knox White's campaign thank-you cards. I may just have to make some of my own.

For more photos of recent work visit/"like"/follow:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sandwich Launcher

My neighborhood area has an online social network called "Nextdoor" where you can post alerts, need to know info, questions, for sale items, etc. This post made me laugh out loud and I just had to share.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

While I Wait

Over the past few weeks I have been given pills, syrups, shots, IV’s – you name it. I’ve received more mail (not the good kind) and more phone calls from administrative reps than one needs.  
My phone was supposed to ring yesterday and provide me with one of two evils. Either it’s back to the drawing board or the cause of my medical “unknown” has been discovered. It didn’t ring. I’m still waiting. It’s either going to be to make a small, but significant lifestyle change or back under anesthesia I’ll go for another procedure to yet again….figure it out. To think, all this stemmed from a dentist appointment. One small comment turned into multiple appointments, a specialist, and a procedure gone wrong – possibly leading to the answer. I’m still waiting for the phone to ring.

I have discovered one truth though – I have some ridiculously nice friends who have offered, and provided me some much needed rides to and from doctors and hospital rooms. Some of these meds have been no joke, so of course, like any kid dying to become a viral sensation I have allowed snapchats and/or video footage. Unfortunately, my 15 minutes hasn’t arrived yet, because all I chose to talk about was my blood pressure coming out of anesthesia. Lame - Especially because I don’t know the first thing about any of that.
Not knowing what I may have to change in the coming weeks, I have continued to partake in what may be terrible decisions for my body - Drinking for 5+ hours while floating down a river, a wedding weekend involving “all you can have” food and spirits, a few weeknight outings just because, and a big engagement celebration that I wouldn’t have missed. To add to that, I plan to kick off football season the right way this week. After all, I’m still waiting for the phone call.