Thursday, November 15, 2012

Me and CeeLo

In my current career I can't deny that I've had the privilege of meeting some pretty cool celebrities. Sitting at a friends house recently with NBC's The Voice on in the background, I suddenly realized something. I want to meet CeeLo Green. I've never had such an urge before. This man would love me. I have no doubt, and I began to explain to my friend why. Mostly joking reasons of course, but every good joke has some truth behind it. Follow me and try and forgive my over confidence, but after discussing with my other super confident showbiz friend, we really found some similarities. Now, if you've ever watched the show, he gives off a little bit of a 'pervie' vibe, but I do think its in a charming way, if that possible - and for him it totally is. CeeLo has the ability to make creepy, totally ok (no people, that's not one of our similarities, keep reading). I'm just saying, good for him. Just look at this class act! Who wouldn't want to be friends with him? I can hear that raspy, yet smooth, laughable tone, sayin' "Wahcha name darlin'?". With just one response of my own somewhat raspy voice, that I've been told on a few occasions sounds like Emma Stone, I'd say, "Lacey Hennessey" (with a big 'ol smile added in of course). Let's be honest, just with the name Hennessey, I don't think he'd forget me. You follow me? Similarity numero uno. Good names. Soul sista and brotha ;)

We both have big hair....and its full of secrets. Sitting next to Christina Aguilera for an entire season while wearing a leotard I'm sure he's bound to hear or see a few thing that are meant to be kept to themselves, and mine, well my luscious locks just can't be contained. Literally, sometimes I think each strand has a mind of its own. Its everywhere. He'll love it.

#3. What can I say? We just love animals. Now I'm more of a dog lover myself, where as CeeLo tends to frequent cats and dress in bird like costumes. But opposites do attract, thus again, making us best friends in what we in 'the biz' like to call 'the biz'. I too like colorful outfits and big sunglasses, so, I have that goin for me, which is nice (Caddyshack reference, he too will understand).

Last, but certainly not least (I could go on forever but he is a man of little words), CeeLo recently showed his patriotism by wearing one of the most interesting, yet beautifully, glorious garments I've seen in while. Just one more thing we have in common  - -that great American pride of wearing our red, white, and blue. See for yourself. Nicely done future B.F.F. Good Work. Just as random as this post.

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