I may be late to the game, but yesterday my world was opened
up. I received a Gchat tip that will change my work day as I know it.
I do event management for a living so most of my days
involve tedious excel spreadsheets and documents. Flipping back and forth to
Gmail is not always a good idea. Plus my position in a community cubicle
leads me vulnerable to those who walk by – my screen is for everyone to see. I
work hard, we all do, but we also all know the importance of Gchat to a
mid-20something. As I approach 30 (my 29th birthday is next week), I
don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. A younger, fresh out of college,
co-worker gave me a tip that allows chats galore, while staying on any screen
allowing you to live a little more incognito. It’s like ESPN’s March Madness
screen. With a click of a button you join work and play. Join me:
Pull up Chrome
Go to the upper right hand corner of your screen and click the “3 Bars”
Click “Settings”
You will be taken to a new screen, on the left hand side click “Extensions”
Scroll down and find “Get more extensions” – click it
You will be taken to a new screen, in the upper left hand corner type “hangout” into the text box
You will be taken to a new screen, scroll to mid page and find under Extensions, “Hangouts”, click “Add to Chrome”.
It will take a second and then tell you it’s done. Exit that screen.
Now in the upper right hand corner next to your “3 Bars” you will find “ “ in a green thought bubble. Click it.
Your “hangouts”/all your recent chats will pop up in a box.
Click on one of those people and go to something you’re working (excel doc, work doc, company email, etc.) – all of your chats should now be able to pop up regardless if you are on your current Gmail page or not. Enjoy!