Monday, July 2, 2012

Dawson and Pacey still have a chance

Google "Ann Curry leaving today show" and get 899,900+ results. Google "Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Divorce 2012" and get 926,000+ results. Google "Chris Brown tweets about Rihanna grandmother" and get an outstanding 17,500,000+ is this news? This made me curious. I then Googled "Obamacare". A whopping, yet sad in comparison, 6,580,000. Speaking as someone who is surround by pop culture news everyday, I don't really care about the Chris Brown tweet. I feel for Rihanna and the death of her G-ma, but this week I'd have to say that the split between Tom and Katie came as a little bigger shock, and was definitely the jucier dish. Oprah must be deeevvvaAAsstttattteddd (Cue reading like Oprah giving a way a prize on her show - - you get a car! and you get a car, and you get a car!!) Jimmy Kimmel said it best.
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Anyway, this means that James Van Der Beek and Joshua Jackson, also known as Dawson and Pacey, still have a chance with Ms. Josephine Potter. Apparently Katie filed for a divorce because of Tom's crazy scientology rants. I didn't think he had one in a while but Suri always looks miserable, so maybe his Top Gun days of being awesome and manly Mission Impossible moves have left him. Again, probably leading Oprah to watch old home movies of past taped episodes. This one on repeat.........and people say Bieber fans are a little much.  

I hear that OWN - the Oprah Winfrey Network - isn't doing so hot, who knows though....recently pulling in the Kardashian clan to try and boost ratings with a 2 part follow-up. I DVR'd it, and even I couldn't watch. That's saying a lot. Something tells me she will be just fine. I am sure Tom is over at her house right now sipping a Diet Lemonade. Watch out Stedman (Oprah's "spiritual partner"). I love terrible television and am not ashamed to admit it. I also love celebrity gossip, and I have a feeling the TomKat drama has only just begun. Today Katie came out with a statement that she 'fears there are private investigators outside her house'. Swearing it's not paparazzi. We'll see.

In other news, Anderson Cooper came out this morning stating "'I'm gay, always have been, always will be". I can't wait for Chelsea Lately tonight.

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