Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Anniversary Hennessey Hits!

Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my blog. I am a huge Seinfeld fan (thanks mostly to my father, Bill) and when people say, 'oh you have a blog?', it normally follows with 'what's it about'. I tell them - -nothing. Much like the show about nothing.

“I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.” ― Jerry Seinfeld

Looking back at the past year and some of the things I have put on here, it appears I have hit the nail on the head. I have written about the most insignificant, random stuff. Our family manikin - Marlene, people of Walmart, Kevin Bacon, full frontal crotch shots on the news, various musicians on rants, missing socks, office theft, friends trying to make it big, and more. And miraculously you people are reading about it. So, THANK YOU! I've been up for a year now and have reached 16,200+ hits, on just 103 posts. This will make 104. Which in my opinion is awesome....and weird at the same time. Cool, but surprising. It's nice to know someone is reading the randomness. This all started from a discussion with @Chasemradio about social media, and what has stemmed from it is a place that I go to tell people about what's going (in my life and others), make fun of something, or just rant about nothing. I appreciate the support and hope you continue to read Hennessey Hits. Thanks for the past year, and may the next one be funnier than the last.

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