Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hooky Humpday

I remember the days of middle school asking, no - begging, my father to allow me to "play hooky" from school for the upcoming day. Rarely succeeding, but remembering oh so well that feeling when he said "fine". I had that feeling again this week when I asked my career parent - my manager - if I could take the day due to some heavy overtime I had put in recently. It was kind of her idea anyway so it was a non-issue, but when I got the "yes" you can probably imagine my excitement knowing I'd sleep in with no alarm. 

That day was today. I woke up at 9am. Lets talk about #postgradproblems, shall we. It's so sad to me that I was ecstatic to see that I slept until 9am. I got up to use the bathroom, climbed back into bed, because surely I could use more sleep, and then thought, "No, you have so much to do". I was so excited to be off that I almost didn't want to waste it....sleeping? I had off and needed off because I had life to take care of. I assured myself I'd fit in a nap somewhere later in the day. There were more important things on the list first....and some not so important things. It depends on how you prioritize. We may differ in opinion. My first stop:

 A Perfect 10. Call ahead for Julia.  You won't be disappointed ladies - 3 coats. Every time. Same for pedi's. When I called in from bed to see if Julia was working there was some confusion in dialog (as you can imagine). I mentioned I was in no rush, which apparently was taken as a huge rush. My 9:30 phone call soon became a 10am appointment. Regardless a nice set of hands was a great start to my day. I also got a nice laugh out of being told I had "tiny nail like Lauren" (my roommate and advocate of Julia's) and then she later confirmed what I have been told by so many friends -  "Lacey you have small hand". A common observation and 100% accurate statement. 

After I got my nails done, I met Johnny - a sweet gentleman and kind soul at O'Reilly's Auto Parts willing to help out a helpless, young girl who curled her hair and "dressed the part" of someone clearly clueless about cars. Did you know that only one light bulb controls both the brake light and blinker on a Jeep? Now you do. Mine was fried. Literally. The light bulb was black. I had a nice little laugh when Johnny took it out of the socket. That sweet man gave me an extra bulb just in case the left one goes out. Let's be honest. If you know my experience with Dora, or any of my past Volvo's, we see this one coming. Somebody knock-on-wood for me.

Naming rights are still out on the Patriot. Suggestions are welcomed. You should really see him/her shine. I'll tell you what, those folks at Greenville Car Wash know what they're doing. However, I looked Giarmo right in the eyes when I pulled up and said, "Give me the best you got". He looked back at me and said with his fancy accent, "Pina Colada?". I died a little inside. Hell no, I don't want my car to smell like Pina Colada, or Mint, or God help me New Car, because the last time I got New Car scent I received a whole lot of smelly comments from the peanut gallery who rode in my vehicle. I went with, "Actually let's go with no scent, Giarmo". 

On to the next task. Paying more dreaded medical bills. Don't worry I'm not dying, but it's last year all over again. I honestly don't understand the point of a deductible. I always try to remain calm with customer service staff on phone calls because I think they have the worst job. Think about it. In any industry, specifically cable companies, they only speak with people that, from the moment they answer the phone, hate them. So I try to be nice and understand that it's the company and their policies that I hate, not the person on the other line. If nothing else, try and take that away from this message today. I promise you there is no other lesson, anyway. 

I decided if I was giving out money today, I might as well give some to everyone. I had one gift card still burning a hole in my wallet from Christmas and a few Angel Rewards cards to my personal danger zone - so off to the mall I went. Yes, I went to the food court. 2 times in 2 weeks. That has to be some time of redneck record.  But I'm talking about my other danger zone, Victoria's Secret.

I went in with my purpose and the damage was done. Vickie. You win again. You send me $10 off this, Free pantie that, and yet I leave with a bag that could house a large cat.

And Forever 21, you are a 27,000 square foot store, yet you only let me take 6 items at a time into the dressing room? In what world does that make any sense? Especially in a store where I could be a small, medium, or a large, because your clothes are so inconsistent. That means I have to take in 2 of everything. I'm not mad because I'll never pay more than $22.50 for anything you sell, but it's a lot of back and forth. Touché. You got me. 13 items in. 4 items out. I get it now, it's a numbers game.

There's been some conversation among some groups that I may be moving. I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations. I will comment, however, that I went to check out a beautiful bedroom suite today, thanks to Fickle Greenville, and have decided to make the purchase. Now I'm just in the market for a strapping young lad to help me pick it up and place it in storage until it is ready to find its final home.

Last on the docket was Bowling League. I've suffered a slight injury which hurt our game. I'm not gonna say I ruined the night for us, because I most definitely was not the only one bringing us down, but tonight was not my night to say the least. The good thing is Team "I Can't Believe It's Not Gutter" is great at losing, so it really has become natural to us. Much like the modern day tee-ball team, we all get a turn, we're all out there for fun, and you get a high five from your teammates even if you suck. The added bonus in this case - buckets/pitchers of beer. 

I've been saying for a while now that I've wanted to play hooky and go to Carowinds, and I still really want to do that, but with placing "fun" aside, today was one of the most productive and efficient days. Much needed. The only thing missing was a few swings of the golf club and a few rubs of the shoulders. If only there were more hours in the day. #postgradproblems

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