Monday, April 7, 2014

"He hit her with that Emoji"

Every good wine night or "deets sesh" with friends results in great stories. A recent tale about a gentleman on the prowl resulted in a "Daaamn, he hit her with that emojiiiiii??", followed with boisterous laughter from the surrounding group. His choice of digital emotion may have been a little premature, but none the less he got the point across. After all text messages can be taken so many ways. 

I've gotten my share of emoji's and I've certainly sent several, so after the conversation this group had I was curious as to my "favorites". At that moment the Recently Used seen above seemed to be my top choices. Nothing too strange. I mean who doesn't like to send their friends a nice pile of poop every now and again...? These feelings can be used in so many ways. Allow me to break my meaning down to you. 

As I've expressed before, I love a good Snapchat. Many a day I would send my very own musical treats through brief video clips to close friends. My ultimate favorite - singing "I'm the Man" by Aloe Blacc (as if I were a baller). If not that, you could definitely catch a rendition of  "Love on Top" by Beyonce. Perhaps this is the reason that Greenville has decided to shut down any use of phones (aka hand-held devices) while driving a vehicle. I must admit, I have since broken the law. What my people want, my people get. 

Why use words when you can offer a silent round of applause. Yes, I do want to go there. Friend, you make me so proud. Love, I couldn't agree more. That was so embarrassing, job well done. I like it. I love. I want some more of it.

When I'm not bringing my two carni sized hands together, I'm throwing you up one unusually small thumb. This is my basic 'Yes'. My 'I'm good', if you will. Frequently used and probably abused.

As a roaring twenty something, I frequent the watering holes of Downtown Greenville. Whether its a half priced bottled happy hour or a weekend night on the town, creating plans tends to involve one of the 2. If not before, the morning after text sessions discussing the previous nights shambles sometimes leads to a pictorial conversation. 

Pretty sure all of the above gems have been added onto the end of Snap every-now and again. I definitely wouldn't bet against it. 

This one has been on my favorites list for a while. What can I say - I love a good cookie, and I guess I'm also not afraid to share my poor dieting choices with the world. If you can't indulge every once in a while, you are holding yourself to a ridiculous standard. Eat cookies. 

This one treads a fine line. Dependent on the conversation if I throw you that heart-wink-smooch, I may be throwing you some sugar. Maybe discussion for another time, but it's funny how we use hearts these days - we can heart something or someone, but watch out, don't love it. Hearts are the "xo-xo" of emojis. I heart that, but I may not L that. I see what we're all doing, thus I conclude with this....

....enter comedic relief stage right. There is nothing like a little humor to add to every conversation. He (obviously a male icon because let's be honest, girls don't poop), seems to be so cheerful yet can inform any contact in your phone that you are not happy with the situation. It's my 'No Dice', my 'Eww', my fake 'I hate you', or maybe just the first thing I send you in the morning to put a big, fat smile on your face. 

I love a good emoji. Hit me with your best. 

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