Saturday, December 3, 2011

Barbie is pregnant?!?

It was just 3 years ago that I would open my facebook to find pictures of frat parties filled with kegs, spring break photos, posts about the night before or what was going on this weekend. These days its about houses being purchased, promotions, engagements/weddings, and the newest addition....babies. My sister and her husband had a baby last February, which is one among many in their circle of friends. A few of my friends are expecting their first within the next few weeks. It's a very exciting time and I couldn't be happier for them. I am more than obsessed with my niece, Sawyer, and she's not even mine! So anyway, back to my original thought. I kept seeing  all these baby posts on facebook and it was basically the only thing that sat on my news feed for a few days (around Halloween specifically). A few days later there was an MTV marathon of Teen Mom on, and then somehow I came across this picture. I can honestly tell you that I don't remember how but I didn't know whether to laugh or just go with my original thought....w. t. f..... It's probably because I find this so intense on the strangest level. Is this a teach method or is barbie just trying to 'keep up' with society? Either way I find this incredibly odd. It used to be that barbies accessories were her comb, purse, or shoes (before they were eaten or chewed by the family dog). Now it's.... a baby. This sparked my interest so I google imaged "pregnant barbie", and I found this gem. Read the caption on her packaging.

 Teen Pregnancy Barbie....."She's so happy she didn't listen to the grumpy old nurse at the clinic". I wondered if she costs extra or if her "trendy diaper bag" came with it, so I followed up the search, and that led me to this.

If you ask me Ginni looks pissed. It might be because she just found her husband boyfriend in a closet with Ken. Does anyone else think he has an incredibly strong resemblance to carrot top? Either way it's creepy, but you can get this happy family for a slim $40 after shipping.

I'm at a loss for words and you will be, too. Do yourself a favor and google image "pregnant barbie". It's a pure sign our culture is going downhill, in the toy department anyway. Your child can even help barbie give birth....oh yea. Google away. It's so weird.


  1. All I have to say is eww! That is just creepy! Who would buy this?

  2. Its not a real barbie. Its a barbie body with a Bratz head. I dont think its a horrible idea if you have mature children.

  3. w....................t.............................f.................
