Friday, January 4, 2013

Delayed breaking news

Ray Lewis is retiring at the end of this season, and with the Wild Card game against the Colts this weekend you can best believe Baltimore will be going crazy. This is one weekend I would love to be in Charm City. With the Redskins actually pulling through for once as well, Maryland has really made a good run. Throw in the recent somewhat success of the Orioles and you've really blown some people away. With 2 "hometown" teams hosting, its a big Sunday. Obviously the 1:00pm game having more appeal to me, but HTTR if it helps them get a "W". Nothing would make me happier than a "Battle of the Beltway" for Super Bowl 2013. As I watched the announcement of Ray Lewis' retirement to the press, I couldn't help but be a little happy for him. Disappointed for myself, but happy for the guy and his family. If you haven't been to a Ravens game live while he was on the field, you missed out. Just the announcement of his name and his appearance out of the tunnel would give you chills. I've never heard a place get so loud, and that is to outshine the cheers from Death Valley in Clemson during the biggest of games, with the drunkest of college students. It's football on steroids.....but without the steroids. No accusations here :)

In other (delayed) breaking news:
It's 2013! My New Years Eve was spent briefly at a work event, followed by a friends house party. Like any good NYE I wore some flashy pants slightly out of my comfort zone, enjoyed a Clemson win, multiple beverages, some alcohol infused fruit, a makeshift balloon drop, some fireworks, one hell of a dance party, a late night jam session, and all the other goodies a NYE is supposed to bring. Along with one nice 'battle wound' on the back of my leg from what I can remember (and have been told) was an accidental tackle from a dance move gone horribly wrong by our dear friend, Micah. The couches, also known as stages, were apparently a little too springy - one sudden movement and he took to the air like a flying squirrel. Pretty sure I landed on a plethora of side table items. It was hilarious, I'm sure.

2013 is off to a great start - and this year I plan to learn to play golf (Gentlemen bare with me....perhaps you can show me a few things with a free lesson), learn to sew (I was given my first sewing machine for Christmas), and watch out party goers, I am going to learn the worm.

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