Friday, February 8, 2013

Burning Love

ABC's 'The Bachelor' is in full swing. Look to your left and/or right and the chances of finding someone who watches are pretty good. I'm guilty and have been for many seasons. It's great, terrible reality TV. So when I heard that the E! network was about to air a parody of the show, my interest was peaked. 'Burning Love' started out as an internet series, but is doing so well it's making the jump. It has special appearances made my Kristen Bell, Jennifer Aniston, Christine Taylor, Michael Ian Black, and is produced by Ben Stiller, to name a few. With a few faces from Chelsea Lately's round table appearing, and the actual similarities to the show, it didn't take but a few seconds to get a laugh out of is a sneak peak:

Anyone who watches The Bachelor is sure to find this humorous.....and sadly, so true, feel free to pass along. It's set to air February 25th, with a new internet season breaking out Bachelorette style on February 14th, conveniently Valentine's Day. What clever planning. 

Speaking of the over commercialized holiday, my second favorite woman in the world (second to my own mother of course) is Mrs. Barb Thompson. Robbie, one of my closest friends growing up and to this day, has one great set of parents and they treat me like one of their own. Mrs. Barb is notorious for sending me packages filled with treats from J. Crew and homemade goods from her kitchen for every holiday known to man. I tease that she's gonna have to go up a size if she sends this much again because she's gonna make homegirl down here in SC fat. But who doesn't love a good cookie, am I right?! With Valentine's Day right around the corner I encourage you to indulge ladies and gents, and I'm not just referring to the sweets. Most people hate the holiday, run from it, or ignore it all together. It's incredibly built up, I get it. I am one of those people. My favorite V-day was painting a living room and getting take-out with a boyfriend. My point is, do something you want to do with the person/people you enjoy doing it with. That's indulging. Whether it's a cookie or an errand, Happy Valentine's Day.

And yes, it's a week early. But isn't that the new trend? Celebrating early so you (secretly) aren't making a big deal of the holiday?

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