Karmin and Outasight played at the Just Show Up Show this week. They were great live and I have mad respect for Amy of Karmin. Girl can rap. Her Busta Ryhmes/Chris Brown hit, put her where she is today. Check them out on YouTube and see the videos I took from the show below....
Friday, July 27, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Happy Anniversary Hennessey Hits!
Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my blog. I am a huge Seinfeld fan (thanks mostly to my father, Bill) and when people say, 'oh you have a blog?', it normally follows with 'what's it about'. I tell them - -nothing. Much like the show about nothing.
“I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.” ― Jerry Seinfeld
Looking back at the past year and some of the things I have put on here, it appears I have hit the nail on the head. I have written about the most insignificant, random stuff. Our family manikin - Marlene, people of Walmart, Kevin Bacon, full frontal crotch shots on the news, various musicians on rants, missing socks, office theft, friends trying to make it big, and more. And miraculously you people are reading about it. So, THANK YOU! I've been up for a year now and have reached 16,200+ hits, on just 103 posts. This will make 104. Which in my opinion is awesome....and weird at the same time. Cool, but surprising. It's nice to know someone is reading the randomness. This all started from a discussion with @Chasemradio about social media, and what has stemmed from it is a place that I go to tell people about what's going (in my life and others), make fun of something, or just rant about nothing. I appreciate the support and hope you continue to read Hennessey Hits. Thanks for the past year, and may the next one be funnier than the last.
“I am so busy doing nothing... that the idea of doing anything - which as you know, always leads to something - cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything.” ― Jerry Seinfeld
Looking back at the past year and some of the things I have put on here, it appears I have hit the nail on the head. I have written about the most insignificant, random stuff. Our family manikin - Marlene, people of Walmart, Kevin Bacon, full frontal crotch shots on the news, various musicians on rants, missing socks, office theft, friends trying to make it big, and more. And miraculously you people are reading about it. So, THANK YOU! I've been up for a year now and have reached 16,200+ hits, on just 103 posts. This will make 104. Which in my opinion is awesome....and weird at the same time. Cool, but surprising. It's nice to know someone is reading the randomness. This all started from a discussion with @Chasemradio about social media, and what has stemmed from it is a place that I go to tell people about what's going (in my life and others), make fun of something, or just rant about nothing. I appreciate the support and hope you continue to read Hennessey Hits. Thanks for the past year, and may the next one be funnier than the last.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Jill G - Live @ Frankies
Ladies and Gents, allow me to introduce to you, Greenville's newest pop/country/anything-goes vocal star, my friend Jill. You can normally find her singing in the shower, her kitchen, at a party, in the car, downtown, or anywhere that she is standing...sometimes in front of a mirror or window reflection. Her influences are the great Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Carrie Underwood, and basically any diva vocalists that hits notes that most can't. Oh, but Jill Graves can. That's without a doubt. She hits them, and hits them hard. Occasionally they even seem to hit back. She has had a great support system though. Her roommate and vocal "coach", Lindsey, is by her side day by day, smiling and telling her "Mmmm yea, that sounds really good Jill". Words of encouragement from fans such as @ssuttles3, who Jill tells me is her biggest fan, help keep Jill's dream alive. If you have ever been around this vocal talent, you know you are unable to keep the smile off your face. Literally you won't be able to stop laughing in utter disbelief of the amazing sounds coming from within her. It brings tears to Lindsey's eyes every time she goes for a big one. Recently Jill wanted to capture her audio in digital form. The end of the year kickball party was last night, held at Frankie's Fun Park. A business that provides non-stop fun and fills dreams of vast amounts of middle schoolers.....and one Clemson Graduate - Superstar Jill Graves. For those that don't know, Jill is a triple threat. Her dance moves on and off the field, have literally won the hearts of many. To quote Jill, "If I don't win best dance moves for the booty drop peekaboo then I quit", thus proving her determination in the act of wanting to become a true thespian.....not to be confused with lesbian. With talent like Jill's and her animated personality, who knows where she'll end up! My hope is Fords Oyster Bar for karaoke on Thursday nights, but that's just me. If I were a betting woman, which I am, I would say that there's a good chance. But back to Frankie's. Jill was lucky enough to find a booth in the arcade that charged a mere $5 to record one song of choice and in return are given a CD recording. Just her, a mic, the booth, and her dream. Jill was nice enough to let Lindsey, long time friend and coach, into the 'studio' with her, taking my camera along for video. The video footage could end up on E! True Hollywood Story one day, so consider yourself privileged....its an A Capella version, so please be kind. I was lucky enough to hear the final CD recording, along with die hard Jill Graves Fans, Beth and Micah, and we will say that the quality of the recording was spectacular. No other immediate comments were made upon the performance. You can follow Jill on Twitter at @jgraves87 to keep up with her thespian dreams....again, not to be confused with lesbian.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Today at work I was craving a large, really cold soda. Specifically a Coca Cola Classic. There is no better place to get one than Chic-fil-a. It comes in a huge Styrofoam cup, an excellent insulator, and lets face it, you can't wrong with anything from Chic-fil-a. Even at 2:20 in the afternoon the drive thru line was around the building, so I decided to park and walk in. Thinking I was just getting a drink, I thought I could get in and out. When I went up to the counter I approached what appeared to be a 15 year old kid out on summer break. I ordered my large Coke and asked "Can I also get the lowest nugget count you have?", he replied, "1?", in which I said back, "Can I get like the lowest amount of nuggets you offer" - - thinking he had said 'What' instead of 'One'. He said, "Yea, 1". I was taken back by this. I told the kid, "You mean to tell me I can order just 1 nugget?". He said 'yes' with a smile on his face. If you know me or have tried to tell me anything bogus, I've probably believed you, so when this kid said he could sell me 1 nugget I just wasn't going to walk into being the brunt of a terrible joke. I started laughing profusely by myself because I thought I got the joke and almost fell for it. I thought he was kidding, only this kid didn't start laughing along with me. So I asked repeatedly, if he was serious and he kept telling me he was. So still thinking he was lying, I said, "ok fine, I will have 4"....at least if he was trying to get me I knew that came in a kids meal. He still wasn't laughing and I took my nuggets, giant drink, and left. I got back to my desk today and told a few people. All were in disbelief that you can get just 1 Chic-fil-a nugget. Trying to figure out if I needed to go beat this kid up or not I went to the Chic-fil-a page and sure enough......you can buy 1 single nugget.
As pointed out to me...and I couldn't agree more....could you really just eat 1? I don't think I could. Not from Chic-fil-a. And have you ever noticed that when you really want it the most, it's Sunday, when they are closed? Jesus would want his 1 nugget on Sunday, I know he would.
As pointed out to me...and I couldn't agree more....could you really just eat 1? I don't think I could. Not from Chic-fil-a. And have you ever noticed that when you really want it the most, it's Sunday, when they are closed? Jesus would want his 1 nugget on Sunday, I know he would.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Military Vets to Clemson Fans. Watch.
Coming soon to a Death Valley near you....Clemson, South Carolina
"From Fort Carson, Army Launches New Approach to Battle Stress"
Read the full article here - http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/story/2012-07-05/soldiers-PTSD-suicide-therapy-fort-carson/56042102/1
God Bless the USA and the soldiers over seas....and of course, Go Tigers!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
3 Letters. The U, S, and A
Butterflies of excitement. That's what I feel. I frickin' love the 4th of July. I can't even contain it. I have a slight case of turrets today, with spontaneous bursts of "MURICA!" and/or "Ayahyahyahya USA!". Today I am obviously dressed in red, white, and blue and wearing a Statue of Liberty crown all day at the office. People at work would expect nothing less. Still debating if I should take it a little "red" tonight at a party I plan to attend. I obviously have the attire for that occasion (See #GBA), and never pass up an opportunity to rock a pair of jorts. The following video was sent to me and is slightly inappropriate. It's suitable for work (at least mine), but you may want to keep the volume to a minimum for harsh language (not much, but I wouldn't play it in or around a church). I thought it was funny anyway. If nothing else watch it for Dom's amazing shirt that is currently on sale at your local Walmart. I know, because my brother-in-law Dan was lucky enough to find this gem. Happy 4th of July people and God Bless the U.S of A!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Dawson and Pacey still have a chance
Google "Ann Curry leaving today show" and get 899,900+ results. Google "Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Divorce 2012" and get 926,000+ results. Google "Chris Brown tweets about Rihanna grandmother" and get an outstanding 17,500,000+ results.....how is this news? This made me curious. I then Googled "Obamacare". A whopping, yet sad in comparison, 6,580,000. Speaking as someone who is surround by pop culture news everyday, I don't really care about the Chris Brown tweet. I feel for Rihanna and the death of her G-ma, but this week I'd have to say that the split between Tom and Katie came as a little bigger shock, and was definitely the jucier dish. Oprah must be deeevvvaAAsstttattteddd (Cue reading like Oprah giving a way a prize on her show - - you get a car! and you get a car, and you get a car!!) Jimmy Kimmel said it best.
Anyway, this means that James Van Der Beek and Joshua Jackson, also known as Dawson and Pacey, still have a chance with Ms. Josephine Potter. Apparently Katie filed for a divorce because of Tom's crazy scientology rants. I didn't think he had one in a while but Suri always looks miserable, so maybe his Top Gun days of being awesome and manly Mission Impossible moves have left him. Again, probably leading Oprah to watch old home movies of past taped episodes. This one on repeat.........and people say Bieber fans are a little much.
I hear that OWN - the Oprah Winfrey Network - isn't doing so hot, who knows though....recently pulling in the Kardashian clan to try and boost ratings with a 2 part follow-up. I DVR'd it, and even I couldn't watch. That's saying a lot. Something tells me she will be just fine. I am sure Tom is over at her house right now sipping a Diet Lemonade. Watch out Stedman (Oprah's "spiritual partner"). I love terrible television and am not ashamed to admit it. I also love celebrity gossip, and I have a feeling the TomKat drama has only just begun. Today Katie came out with a statement that she 'fears there are private investigators outside her house'. Swearing it's not paparazzi. We'll see.
Anyway, this means that James Van Der Beek and Joshua Jackson, also known as Dawson and Pacey, still have a chance with Ms. Josephine Potter. Apparently Katie filed for a divorce because of Tom's crazy scientology rants. I didn't think he had one in a while but Suri always looks miserable, so maybe his Top Gun days of being awesome and manly Mission Impossible moves have left him. Again, probably leading Oprah to watch old home movies of past taped episodes. This one on repeat.........and people say Bieber fans are a little much.
I hear that OWN - the Oprah Winfrey Network - isn't doing so hot, who knows though....recently pulling in the Kardashian clan to try and boost ratings with a 2 part follow-up. I DVR'd it, and even I couldn't watch. That's saying a lot. Something tells me she will be just fine. I am sure Tom is over at her house right now sipping a Diet Lemonade. Watch out Stedman (Oprah's "spiritual partner"). I love terrible television and am not ashamed to admit it. I also love celebrity gossip, and I have a feeling the TomKat drama has only just begun. Today Katie came out with a statement that she 'fears there are private investigators outside her house'. Swearing it's not paparazzi. We'll see.
In other news, Anderson Cooper came out this morning stating "'I'm gay, always have been, always will be". I can't wait for Chelsea Lately tonight.
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