Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Old Shoe

Have you ever had a pair of shoes that you love so much you just can't bare to get rid of them? They have been around the block a time or two, maybe even held a dear spot in your closet for several years, and time after time your Spring cleaning can't dare to let them go. I've had those shoes, and I recently gave mine away. 

Much like mine, your pair may bring out the best....and you. They still look good - wearable, broken in - yet you know deep inside the miles you've put in and effort to keep them together. On the outside, and to the next owner, the look may be in style, the "soul" still in tact, but you see the rough edges and have dealt with the embarrassing feeling of gluing that (literal) sole back together #wedges. It's never the best feeling, but you like the way they look on you, so you mend the shoe back to health, thus keeping the long term relationship going for a few more months. 

An old pair of shoes are reliable. Good to you. Dependable. Safe. They're typically comfortable. They are, in essence, your favorite. You know they're a good fit, but eventually those straps may fade, they seem to get worn - possibly stretch allowing excess space, and you might start looking for a replacement. If you don't, your shoes will let you know it's time by giving up. You are reluctant on what you want next - the same pair? Something different? My mother has kept a pair of yellow Nike tennis shoes for as long as I can remember. So long, I think she owns 2 pairs because there is no way these gems still exist. I give her a hard time of being a "pack rat", though when it comes to a relationship with an old shoe - I get it. It's hard to let go. You want to toss them aside, yet the memory and existence of that dear beloved footwear will reign on. I still laugh at the stories of those "ugly" yellow shoes. They're practically family. Being a Hennessey and pure product of my mother, Carol, I struggled with releasing my old shoes. Who knows, maybe one day I will find a similar pair or will come full circle and they'll make their way back into my closest. Regardless, we've all got an old shoe or two that needs a good evaluation, possibly a refresh, or maybe just a good stroll around town. #theperfectfit

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