Friday, September 9, 2011

102 Minutes

As my brother Billy recently commented on this video, "I don't care if you hate W. or are "against the wars", if this doesn't make you proud to be an American please do all us freedom loving Americans a favor and move to Canada"

I got chills when watching it for the first time. I recently wrote a nice, long of course, patriotic post for you guys about the upcoming anniversary of 9/11. When going to hit spellcheck I accidentally deleted it. Isn't that the worst feeling? I thought about writing it again right after, but you can't make the same greatness twice. That's like trying to re-create the same epic party twice; rarely can it be done. But I wanted to share a few things with you, so I thought I'd just touch on those again.

1. If you missed the History Channel special this past week on the capture and kill of Osama Bin Laden, do what you can to track down the 2 hour special. It was really cool and amazing to see what all went in to it. Especially the bad ass-ness of Seal Team 6 and the technology our military is working with.

2. Click here --> . On Sunday, exactly 10 years later - to the minute - all A&E networks will be airing "102 Minutes That Changed America" starting at, I believe 8:43 a.m.

I've heard a lot of people say "ugh, I can't watch that stuff" and "I don't know why they keep making specials about it" - - it's because its history and a mass group of people lost their lives and loved ones. It's not going away, and especially this year, the 10th Anniversary, there will be something on every channel about it. I personally am interested in watching the documentary, particularly this special because it is almost entirely made of average Americans video footage, phone calls, and voicemails from the day of the attacks. For some people it's their final words ever heard. It's horrible yes, but again it's history. If you know me well, you are probably thinking Lacey doesn't know crap about history and you're right. But I was around for this one, remember? and maybe that has something to do with it. I have also had friends overseas fighting the war, so it hits home for me.


Have a great weekend. Be safe, GO TIGERS, and God Bless America!

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