Thursday, September 1, 2011

Guess What!?! I'm....

I was on the 5 year plan in college and man, did I make it count. If there were/are 2 things I was/am great at it was/is drinking cold beverages and finding people to do it with. That's people to drink the cold icy beverages with (aka beer) not find dudes to sleep with... I can see where that might have come out wrong. Anyway, that has led to an ongoing joke at my office several years later (flash to present day) that every time an event date pops up, someone will turn to me and ask, "Wait, Lacey, do you have a wedding that weekend?". The answer is normally yes. If not a wedding, a bridal shower, engagement party, bachelorette weekend, etc. I use the phrase, "My friends are dropping like flies" to explain my social life lately. For some reason over the past year and a half a large group of my friends have all decided its time to take the plunge. I'm definitely in that age range so it's nothing out of the ordinary and almost all of them I saw the proposal coming, so that's a good thing I guess - not that it matters. It's like what happened several years ago where all those middle school girls teamed up and decided it'd be a good idea to get knocked up by their boyfriends at the same time; somewhere out in the Midwest or something. Only this time around its a bunch of guys buying expensive finger loops and girls throwing really pretty parties.  And a lot goes into throwing a wedding. I've had the real pleasure of attending 12 of these spectacles in 2011 and will be attending at least 7 in 2012.

Some of my friends have even asked me to be a part of them which has been a real pleasure. Sadly I had to miss out of the Dawson/Snipes nuptials due to being the MOH in my best friend from High Schools big day, but I managed to still be there.....thanks Duncan.

These have been some class A functions, and I've been super impressed. I feel like I've gained quite a bit of experience in the bridal department and here are my thoughts on some of the "important" details, take 'em or leave 'em.  

1. The phrase to the left is depressing. Not because I'm single going to all these weddings - trust me, that's the fun part - but the word "divorce". It happens, a lot. Did in my own family. But I can proudly say that EVERY wedding I have been too (thus far), I see lasting the long haul. I hope they agree.

2. Where do you draw the line? Invite who you want to invite and forget the rest. If you wouldn't go out to dinner with someone then they shouldn't be given a free meal on you. And if you are THAT girl or guy (usually girl) who feels you should have been invited, then they did the right thing by not inviting you.

3. Plus 1's go to those in serious relationships. Or to everyone at a large wedding. I find that I have the most fun at weddings without one. Use it as an opportunity boys and girls.

4. I love being part of a wedding. It's a front row seat, I've been blessed with nice dresses that I will actually wear again, and you get to go to the rehearsal dinners. Boom. Good food,  embarrassing stories, and even better drinks. I've been successful at having a monster hangover many atime the morning of a wedding. I should add 'rallying' to my resume.

5. Thank God for my 2011 Tax Return. Without it, honestly I don't know what I would have done. Its gross to think about the amount of money I have spent on friends this year. I know they'll do it for me, right?  Either way, weddings are a frickin blast. I hate it when I have to miss one.

I can always seem to justify spending the money, too. Especially when its something of a "life" landmark like getting married. There's a handful of couples I'm still waiting for any day now for one of them to call and tell me the good news - - that they are engaged, that another party is on the way, and that its time yell, "more champ please!"

wheeewh, sorry - I'm known for making a short story long. I have quite the amount of wedding knowledge, general opinion, and stories to tell from wedding weekends.....such as 2 bridesmaids (sisters of the bride and groom) getting food poisoning the night of the rehearsal. Yes, exactly like the movie "Bridesmaids". I'll touch on that another day.....I think its been long enough to look back and laugh, right Whit? Amy?

1 comment:

  1. I think you and I both could win the award for the most weddings attended in 2011... of course you are having fun and i'm having fun while working but you get the point. Great wedding tips!
