Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Memory Lane, USA

Do you ever notice how some songs can take you back? Back to a distinct moment or memory. You might remember an exact moment when it was playing. For me, most of those connections are correlated to a great time, some not so much, but overall they relate to a good time. I love hearing someone say, "Oh man, this song reminds me when....". For example:

Def Leppard "Pour Some Sugar On Me" takes me back to my high school days wanting to be in the movie "Coyote Ugly". What high hopes and dreams I had for myself. Reaalll classy. But seriously, it makes me want to dance on bars to this day. Vegas, should I ever meet you, I plan to destroy you.

"Danger Zone" - duh. Top Gun. College. Aviators. And my dying wish to have hot men sing to me in the middle of a bar. Still a karaoke favorite to this day.

Speaking of karaoke. "Total Eclipse of the Heart" - my go to (the Old School movie version of course). I kill it. If you disagree, don't bother telling me. You're just lying to yourself. Trust.

Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". This was my ring tone for a year in college. That ginger is a bad ass. Best worst music video, and that is exactly the reason it's so awesome. A classic in my opinion. Anyone that can rock denim on denim, red hair, and those dance moves deserves your attention.

50 Cents and Jeremih's "Down on Me" brings out the ghetto in me. At least I like to think so. I'm definitely no homegirl, but rapping to this song makes me want to jam, that, and ride around in Pamela's tricked out Mercedes. Picture a sweet Mercedes, unbelievably dark tinted windows, shiny rims, and verrry spacious leg room. Ballin! (could I be any more white?!?)

and what could make me think of riding through downtown Greenville with the windows down and music blaring more than one of our favs...."Look at Me Now" by Chris Brown, Busta Rhymes, and Lil Wayne. Nothing makes me smile more than having people stare at us driving really slow in that car and having our friend Meredith duck down in the back in embarrassment. Man, the glory days.

"Lets Get Married" by Jagged Edge. This will always remind me of my sister Lindsay and her horrible dance move where she just points and shrugs her shoulders. But really its a gem that I now like to request at weddings. When a band knows it, I feel that I have struck gold. When it's a DJ you can count on them already having it and you know you become their favorite guest when you request it. Try it.
This is just to name a few. I'm sure you have many of your own, too. Feel free to share.

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