Monday, June 25, 2012

Pitch Slapped

No, I don't have cankles....this is the most
unflattering picture of my tiny ankles.
I swear they are the tiniest part of my body.
I took a personal day on Friday. Much needed and well used. Went for a nice long walk with my friend Lisa, then we hit the pool in her in-laws neighborhood. Forgetting that school was out, we pulled up to a group of children playing the most organized game of waterpolo I have ever seen....or really seen at all. I was more of a Sharks N' Minnows type of child. Anyway, I quickly realized I wasn't a kid anymore when I was desperately waiting in the swealtering heat for "Adult Swim". I savored those 15 minutes of peace in that pool. I get so antsy when cooking in the hot, hot sun. But I will say these kids were impressive. Here in Greenville childhoods are packed with swim team practices with highly competitive neighborhood teams. I guess thats how these 50 kids knew who was on what team and such, but I'm not kidding, it was amazing. Using trashcans and chairs for the goal posts, they were really into it. At about 1pm they all scurried home, some walking, some riding bikes. I was so jealous. But none the less it was my day off and I was doing what I wanted. When I got home, I had snail mail.
Again, one of the more enjoyable and simple pleasures of life. Inside was a cute pair of neon pink shorts and a fun top from J. Crew sent to me by my "second family", The Thompson's. Robbie, one of my very best friends growing up, and his family are amazing to me and take me under their wing whenever I travel back to Centreville, Maryland, where I grew up. Ms. Barb has the best taste in clothing and sends me fun packages all the time. They are WAY to good to me!! This was just icing to the cake of a great day. Then to put the child back into me, I headed off to Kickball. An organized sport of team bonding with alcohol, intro songs when getting up to bat/kick, and of course "competitive yelling". I came in late to the season because of bowling league still in play, but I'd like to think that I was an asset to the team. Being a co-ed leauge you have to have a certain amount of girls on the field. Let's just say that some people were exremely shocked if they actually caught a ball or contributed to the team. I won't mention any names, but don't you agree Jill and/or Lindsey? We made it to the semi-finals and lost 4-3. Highlights: we had a tripple play to almost clinch the win. It was questionable, but we won the argument with the 1 umpire on-site, so it counted. Never back down. However, a loss is a loss. If we had won we would have had to stay to play another game, instead we got to head to the bars earlier. So it was a win-win.....BUT if we had won than we would have been on a trip to play in Vegas. So I'd consider that a bigger win. We still want to go to Vegas. Kemp, team leader and pre-party planner, is now team travel agent. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"......There's always next year Team PitchSlapped.

...and see, I don't have cankles.

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