Friday, October 5, 2012

Clemson & Nick Collins...

... 2 Things I am incredibly proud of. Most of us get on Facebook every day, and for me, today was no different. The moment I got on I saw my news feed filled with pictures of people's babies, their dogs, their recent engagement, the football game this weekend, and more. Then I scrolled down a notch or two and found this - - copy and pasted by a good friend of mine from college, boasting about the extroadinary progress made by our friend Nick Collins. Being a member of the Clemson family never ends. I think this speaks for itself.


"I need to take a moment to brag about the Clemson Football Coaching staff. Maybe brag is not the right word, but show that its more than just football. I am sure these types of things happen all the time, but i can only speak of what I know. I know Clemson people know how good of a person Coach Swinney is, but other fans may not.

I was at MUSC tonight with a friend who was visiting a sick relative. As I was walking towards the room, I heard someone call my name. When I looked, it was Nick Collins, the father of Nick Collins, the young man who almost lost his life in the awful accident.

The elder Collins and I talked briefly and then he invited me to Nick's room to visit with him. As I talked to the younger Nick, who oh by the way is looking good, I looked around his room which was covered in get well cards and banners. I also noticed that he had a Clemson jersey hanging in his room covered in autographs for this year's team. He was proud of his jersey and loves his Tigers.

So upon finding out that, I immediately called Tony Elliott, who is the running back coach at Clemson and hails from James Island. I didnt get Tony, but left him a message explaining Nick's situation and also that he was going to have major surgery on tomorrow (everyone pray for him) and that it would be neat if Coach Swinney could call him with some words of encouragement.

Not 30 mins later did I get a call from Tony saying that he would relay the message to Coach and that he would attempt to get coach to call him tonight. Well happy and proud to say that Coach Swinney did make that call, talked to Nick and absolutely made his night.

So I want to publicly say thank you to Coach Swinney and Elliot for what they did tonight for making Nick's night! Its little things like that make the difference and make coaches stand out. GO TIGERS!"

You can continue to help Nick and his recovery by visiting!

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