Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far

You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

Meet Carol. my mother. A 5 foot few inches woman, creative as can be, who finds pirate jokes the most hilarious thing.  

{No lie. The first time I told her, did you hear about that new pirate movie? It's rated "R", I thought she was going to fall out of her chair. It really is the simple things.}

She is independent, clever, makes the best shepherds pie, and just always seems to have a solution. Even if that solution is calling for help. 

Being her daughter, I undoubtedly have carried over and picked up on many of these "Carol" traits. Like I said, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Whether it be a saying, the way I said it, a facial expression, or just a personal trait I've previously mentioned, I find myself to be more like my mother every day. So it didn't surprise me when I spoke with her this week to find that we both did something, slightly, embarrassing. Her's confessed on facebook. Mine now confessed on my blog.

As you may or may not know, I am a fan of ABC's the Bachelor. As is most of the country. Don't lie to yourselves. I don't go to any major viewing party, however I do go to the entertaining living room of my friends Lindsey and Jill's down the street. We do what we do best. Tear each segment apart as if we know each relationship and cast member personally and have some authority to decide who "belongs together"....for at least the next few months. As I got in my car to go over there this week I forgot/remembered that I needed to get gas. Being that they live less than a mile away, I chanced it. I pulled up and literally as I'm parking, Dora died. We all took a quick adventure to the sketchiest, yet closest gas station, and of course, no gas can. I have only ran out of gas 1 other time (knock on wood) and that was on the first week of my college internship. Luckily for me, they already knew I had a decent sense of humor, so the jokes were actually funny, but still very embarrassing sitting by the side of the road near Greenville High waiting to be picked up by my brand new boss. This time, I confessed that I knew I was embarrassed from the get-go and called a near by gentleman who I knew could and would, save the day/night. A few gallons later and I was back in business. SO thankful!

Carol's problem wasn't quite as obvious. To her credit, my guess wouldn't have been batteries either. Billy, my brother still in college and living at home, as well as my mother are both very thin people. With no 'meat on their  bones' I would go ahead and say that 53 degrees, a large house, and a small fireplace wasn't exactly ideal in Virginia during a snow warning. Apparently the noble 24 year old son tried to question her about the thermostat using batteries versus electricity, and Carol was very quick to shoot him down. I can envision poor Billy out chopping more firewood, and carrying it in in his favorite winter outfit of boots, shorts, and a t-shirt. Frat hard. Frat often. So thankfully, a nice man, not looking to take advantage of a single woman with no idea of what she's talking about clued my mother in, and helped her out. In true Hennessey fashion....the batteries were still dead. 

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