Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Hunger Games

I hate to read but I was more than obsessed with the Twilight series. I couldn't put them down. My social life completely stopped because I became so engulfed in everything Edward Cullen. Lame I know, but if you have ever read the series you know exactly what I'm talking about. Even then I was hesitant because of the whole vampire thing, but I watched the first movie, liked it, then picked up the next book. Two days later, I had to go get the third of the series. One of the reasons I don't like to read is because I never get lost in the story and I always feel like I'm reading really slow, but not with Twilight - its all I wanted to do. So when I heard about The Hunger Games I was slightly intrigued again. The new hit series was brought to my attention a month or 2 ago and since then I have brushed it off, but today more people were raving about it. A co-worker is bringing me the first book tomorrow and I have been warned that I will do nothing else once I pick it up. We'll see. The movie series is about to be created which means I'm sure its going to try and rival that of Harry Potter and Twilight.

They're already targeting a wide demo of readers and with a pretty advanced plot line, I'm sure they won't have trouble doing so. I've been told the books are set in the future but are extremely realistic - - meaning that one day, it really could happen. I could go into the plot line of the book, but from what I've read and heard it sounds pretty intricate, but like all good story lines once you get into it, you don't find it confusing anymore. Check it our for yourself. If she remembers to bring me the book, I will be turning the first page tomorrow. Like I said, if it's anything like Twilight, you will definitely be hearing about it. On the same note, if you know anything about the series, let me know!

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